Today, I turn 42. If life is indeed a story, I can’t escape the feeling that I’m somewhere in the middle (and perhaps a little further). So, allow this to serve as a brief interlude of sorts to reflect on life and what’s been written.
Looking back, I’ve lived a full and unusual life. I’ve been a starry-eyed young soccer player, socially awkward teenager, foolish frat boy, stuffy suit-and-tie lawyer, crossfit junkie, unicorn, semi-successful entrepreneur, and for the last four years, a homeless world traveling vagabond. Life’s truly been an unexpected journey 🙃
There were times in life I knew exactly what I wanted to achieve - writing my dreams into existence - and following them without hesitation. And I felt wonderful. And then, there were times I stared at the blank pages before me for what seems like an eternity. Unsure of what to write, what path to take, or what the future may hold. And I felt lost.
But that’s the beauty of life, I guess.
We are the authors of our own life stories. It is up to us to decide how to spend the time we are given, and to fill our pages with meaningful tales and lasting memories before we reach the end.
And if there’s one thing I’ve learned in my years, it’s that life is short and nothing lasts forever. Characters come and go. New chapters begin as old ones inevitably end. And though it’s difficult to turn the page on the past, I take in solace in that the best is yet unwritten.
So, may the sad chapters of your life be short. May the happy ones forever make your smile. And before your final words are written, may you all experience the happiest of endings ✨
And speaking of endings, it’s time to end this chapter of writing way-too-long and serious posts - and starting having more fun with it 😅
So, as I turn the page on another year, what does the next chapter hold? I’m not so certain. But I no longer fear the blank pages, as they represent the infinite possibilities life provides.
As for now, I’m enjoying my time up in the mountains with my best friend and partner - reflecting, relaxing, and being in the moment.
Grateful for all the chapters of my life. And looking forward to the next one 📚