⁣Into the Wild ✨⁣

A few months ago, my friend Stephanie and I traveled through the desert together on my way from Austin to Santa Fe. At the end of the trip, she handed me a gift - a copy of the book Into the Wild. She said there were lessons to be learned in there.⁣

⁣Into the Wild is the story of Chris McCandless, a young man who leaves traditional life behind to travel the country on his own. He disconnects from his family, society, and his possessions to experience the joy, pain, and thrill of life on the road. And ultimately, he dies alone in a hollowed out school bus deep in the wilderness of Alaska.⁣

⁣While an incredibly thoughtful gift, I wondered what was the lesson my friend wanted me to learn? Don’t go to Alaska? Keep your ego in check? Avoid busses? ⁣

⁣Toward the end of the story, I believe I found the lesson. McCandless, who survived solely on his own instincts, intuition, and devotion to traveling the world alone, suddenly found himself dying in the wilderness. He knew he had reached the end. And within his journal, he wrote his final words:⁣

⁣Happiness only real when shared.⁣

⁣Traveling the world is exciting and allows me to experience so many wonderful things. But spending so much time alone is hard. Settling into Utah has been uplifting. Yet, despite being welcomed with open arms at my gym and my two favorite restaurants, I still find myself alone more often not - experiencing the journey by myself. ⁣

⁣Going on adventures and having new experiences are things I love more than anything in life. But true happiness is sharing those experiences with others.⁣

⁣While times likes these are tough, I know they won’t last forever. As the world continues to open, I will again find my tribe again. It’s only a matter of time.⁣

⁣But until then, I‘m grateful to each of you for taking this journey along with me. No matter where I roam, or how lonely it can be sometimes, it feels good to know you are there enjoying the journey alongside me. ⁣

⁣Happiness is only real when shared, and I am glad to share this journey with you.


Helping people makes me happy 🔧 ⁣


Greetings from Utah 🏜