Leave the World a Better Place
One of my goals in life is to leave the world a better place than I found it. So I try to give back in every new place I go.
Since I’ve sold my car and typically fly from place to place (so long 2004 Honda Civic), I like to rent a bike in each new destination so I can truly explore the town. But I soon learned that cost to rent a bike in Boulder for a month was twice as expensive as just buying one.
So, I made a deal with my friends at Full Cycle Boulder - I’d buy one if their used bikes, and when the time came for me to leave, they’d put me in touch with someone in need who could use my bike after i was gone.
And when that time came last week, my friend connected me with Bikes for Humanity - a non-proift that collects bikes around the world and donates them to people in need. Soon, my bike would be shipped off to Africa to help people live a better life. How freakin cool is that?
We all want to do good in someway, and we don’t have to wait for Giving Tuesday to do it. Just think of how much better this world would be if each of us took a few moments to do something kind for one another and find ways to give back. That’s my purpose at Lets Plant a Seed - and I hope you’ll join me.
So, thank you to my old bicycle - wherever you are. I hope you’re bringing joy to someone in some far off place who I’ll never meet - and I hope you bring them as much happiness as you gave me in Colorado ✌️💜🚲