Let’s face it: things suck pretty bad right now 😑

The world has come to a screeching halt. People are stuck at home, out of work, and going out of their minds. Some of us are sick. Others are dying. This is definitely a low point in all of our lives.

At times like this, it’s natural to feel like a victim. That life isn’t fair. That everything pretty much sucks. Trust me, I feel it too. I uprooted my life to spend my time traveling, experiencing new things, and meeting interesting people. But there is no where to go. Nothing to experience. And no one to spend time with.

For me, being isolated and alone really sucks. I draw my energy from being around other people, exploring new places, and experiencing new things - yet my time is spent largely in an AirBNB, hiking alone in nature, and nestled in front of a computer.

Reality truly set in when I realized life is going to be this way for at least another month, if not longer. Depression started sinking in. I felt trapped. Alone. Stuck. I’m sure you’re experiencing hardships too - ones that I am sure are worse than mine.

Yet, there’s nothing we can do about it. The situation is what it is.

In times like this I try remember that time is like a river that carries us into encounters with reality. We can’t control our path down the river, or the obstacles we encounter. We can only deal with them in the best possible way.

In other words, we have to embrace reality and deal with it.

The reality is that we are stuck at home and will be at this for quite some time. It doesn’t mean we need to like it, but we do need to accept it. And once we truly accept our reality, we can create the best life possible. So, how am I dealing with this reality?

I can’t go to the gym, so I stuffed my backpack with firewood and rocks for weights.

I can’t explore new places, so I am exploring new books, new music, and a new mindset.

And I can’t travel, so I’m staying put for a while to do my part to stop the spread of this virus.

This is my reality. And while I don’t like it, I’ll embrace it and make the most of it. And I hope you will too.


Am I being foolish? 🤔


Social distancing at 8500 feet 🏔⁣