Dream Big ✨

As children, we were told we could be anything we wanted to be. We dreamed big dreams that were limited only by our imagination. The sky was the limit.

As for me, I spent my childhood watching the Goonies, the Never Ending Story, and the Explorers – films about going on adventures, visiting strange places, and the power of dreams. But somewhere along the way, we stopped dreaming.

We traded fairy tale romance for financing our mortgage. Building backyard forts to “building our empires.” And playing silly games for playing the game of life. As adults, we’ve now become resigned to just going through the motions. We go to school, pick a career, get a job, get married, buy a house, work til we’re old, retire, and die.

What happened to all those childhood dreams?

Somewhere along the way, I lost sight of them too. My dreams of exploring the universe gave way to going to law school, wearing a suit and tie every day, and working for a living. For twenty long years, I put my dreams on the shelf and went through the motions of being an adult. You may have too. And that’s okay.

Each of us have our own dreams, and it’s incumbent upon us to follow them. That five year old dreamer is still inside you – wide eyed and wanting those dreams for you. And it’s not to late to follow them.

I dreamed of living a life of adventure. I dreamed of shedding that suit and tie and setting off to travel the world. And I specifically dreamed of exploring the wonders of Italy. I envisioned walking its cobblestoned streets, sipping an espresso outside a café, soaking up its culture, and tasting all it’s wonderful flavors.

And in a few short weeks, that dream will come true ✨

You see, that’s the thing about dreams. When you dream, they might come true. So when you dream, dream big.


A love without end


This is 40 😅