I say that because there’s a canyon in the background... get it? 😬
But seriously, life is a precious gift that we only hold onto for so long. At times, we may take it for granted and let our time pass us by. Wasting our days on things that don’t matter.
And it’s not until we reach the end or lose someone we love that we realize just how important it is to make the most of our time.
We might think that life sucks right now having to wear a mask, stay home, unable to travel freely, and without a foreseeable end in sight.
But everyday people are dying, or losing loved ones, and for them, that’s the end.
They’re out of the game. With no time left. Never to return.
But you’re still here ✨
So, make the most of this life you are given. Dream. Discover. Explore. And run fast after whatever sets your soul on fire.
Spend your time wisely. Take risks. Love deeply. Laugh. Smile. Forgive. Do incredible things.
And find happiness, no matter how hard it may seem, because our time is short and this the only life we get.
And isn’t it grand? ✨