Today is my last day in Santa Fe. You would think that having to say goodbye to friends you’ve made along the way gets easier over time. but it doesn’t. And this goodbye is especially hard, because I’ll never see my friend again.
Meet Catty McCatterson. The cat that showed up when the quarantine began looking cold, hungry, and alone. So i fed you tuna, gave you a warm place to stay, and you haven’t left my side since. But it’s time for me to hit the road, and bid you farewell.
I will miss seeing your friendly face waiting for me when i come home from work. I will miss you running around my legs every time i walked into the kitchen because you knew I’d feed you. And most of all, i will miss your companionship during a time when I needed it the most.
I will not, on the other hand, miss you walking on my face at the crack of dawn to let me know you’re hungry. Or when you disapproved of the tuna i would bring home for you and make me buy that fancy organic stuff. Or when you brought home dead lizards for my approval. But our time is short, and i’ll look back on those moments and smile.
Tomorrow, I will scratch you behind the ears and say goodbye. You’ll watch me get in my Jeep and drive off, thinking I’ll be back again in time for dinner. But this time i won’t.
The thought of you waiting for me on the porch to come back home breaks my heart.
But we both know that your tiny little paws aren’t suited for a life on the road. That there is a neighborhood of friends here ready to take care of you. And that all good things must come to an end.
Some people will say that this is just what cats do to get fed and a warm bed, and that you’ll soon find another sucker to cater to your every need. And they would be right. But you were my quarantine cat. And you will be missed.
Catty, you were my best bud here and i will miss you. Take care, and stop killing those nice lizards living under the porch.
PS. I left plenty tuna and cat toys with our host to make sure you never go hungry.
PPS. i’m not crying, you’re crying.
It’s hard to say goodbye.
So long, pal 😿