Love Like Ghosts 🖤

I’ve been fortunate to love some wonderful people over the years. Each of them shaped my life in meaningful ways and taught me valuable lessons I carry with me to this day.

Reflecting on past relationships often comes with feelings of sorrow and sadness, but I more often look back on them fondly - remembering all the moments and adventures we shared before we came to the end. And I smile.

Lately, as I’ve made my way through New Mexico, Colorado, and Utah, I’ve found myself passing through places I once visited with them at certain points of my life. And I can feel them.

Their memories hang in the air like a distant fog. And while it’s been years since we were here, their energetic footprints remain. It’s hauntingly beautiful feeling the ghosts of love since passed.

Then just last week, I drove through the desert listening to an audiobook where a lonesome gunslinger reflects upon seeing his one true love waving at him from her window - not yet knowing it’d be the last time he sees her alive before their tragic end. And the author wrote-

So do we pass the ghosts that haunt us later in our lives ✨

Chills ran down my spine. It hit me then that we’ll never know the last time we’ll see the people we loved. One day they’re our entire lives. And the next, they’re gone. Yet their memories will one day echo through our minds like a haunting, yet whimsical tune. Love’s like ghosts, indeed.

And so I drove on, to pass the ghosts that will haunt me later in life. And I smile.


Coming Out of Retirement 🏋️‍♂️🛞


Reflections of a 43 Year Old Nomad ✨