Let’s face it: our time in life is short and we only have so much time to do the things we love. But trying to balance enjoyment in life while still accomplishing important things is hard. It’s something I struggle with everyday.
For me, it’s a constant struggle between making the most of my time in each new place by exploring and going on new adventures with balancing responsibilities for my work, my clients, and myself by making time for the gym, healthy eating, and meditation.
Balancing work and play is hard, and I often find myself out of balance in one direction or another - either being too routined, working late into the evenings, and not getting out enough with my desire to make the most out of life and experience everything it has to offer.
Each of us face our own challenges with balancing family and friends, work and play, and adventure with routine. I couldn’t imagine juggling work, children, family, relationships, and still manage a personal life (especially during this time) and I’m sure many of you couldn’t imagine packing up every month or so and having to find new offices, gyms, friends, and routines.
Each of these lives present their own set of unique challenges and it’s up to us to find the right balance.
So what is the right balance in life? I honestly have no idea. It’s something I work on every day and all I can do is my best. I know you’re doing your best too. And our best will have to be good enough.
So, in lieu of knowing the right answer, I’ll instead defer to the wise words of Dr. Seuss:
So be sure when you step
Step with care and great tact
and remember that Life’s a Great Balancing Act.
And will you succeed? Yes, you will indeed!
(98 and 3/4 percent guaranteed)
Kid, you’ll move mountains.
Solid advice, doc. It seems that regardless of the paths we take in life and the adventures we encounter along the way, the best we can do is find the balance that works for us and do what we can to move our respective mountains along the way.
So, if you’ll excuse me, I’m off to move my next mountain here in Jackson. But before I go, tell me:
How do you find balance in life?✨