What are you afraid of? 😶

Before leaving St. George, I plan to hike Angel’s Landing - an exposed hike along a narrow rock formation 1,500 feet above the Zion Canyon floor. The summit rewards you with incredible views, but it’s considered to be quite dangerous.

The thought of tumbling down the side of the mountain (like I almost did hiking the Grand Canyon) terrifies me. But I can’t let fear stop me from reaching the top. This got me thinking: What else am I afraid of?

Many people fear public speaking and death. Those don’t bother me so much.

But the fear of rejection is still very real. You’d think that introducing yourself at a coffee shop in an effort to make new friends gets easier over time - but it’s still tough putting myself out there. Sharing my struggles, weaknesses, and feelings used to frighten me as well. It can be hard to be vulnerable.

I remember before I left Miami, I was excited but afraid to travel alone. A part of me knew it would be safer to keep my apartment. To vacation every month or so. To keep one foot ashore.

But I didn’t give into those fears, and my life is better for it. If there’s one thing I’ve learned on this journey so far, it is this:

✨ Everything great in life is on the other side of fear ✨

Whatever you are afraid of, that is what you must do. Facing your fears is the key to living a meaningful life.

Maybe you’re afraid to leave a dead end job. Or end a relationship that’s past its prime. Or stand up for what you believe in. Fear can be paralyzing. It feels safer to stay where you are. But safety results in complacency.

Facing fears gives you strength. When you do the very thing you are most afraid of, you realize that it wasn’t as bad as you imagined. And you gain confidence to tackle bigger fears, and in doing so, experience greater things in life.

Whatever you are afraid of, it’ll be worth the trouble to face it. And I can promise you that the reward on the other side of fear is great. So, with all this in mind, I want you to consider this:

What are you afraid of?


So long, St. George ✌️


Adventure is out there 🙌